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Digitization and Digitalization Framework for SHFs (DASA)
Digital Agriculture For Smallholder Farmers
Digitization and Digitalization Framework for SHFs (DASA)
• Course Pitch This is the introductory course to SmallHolder Farmer operations and dynamics of the value chains in which they operate. Specifically, the course introduces you to the challenges faced by smallholder farmers in currently...
Agri input digitalization solutions for SHFs (DASB)
Digital Agriculture For Smallholder Farmers
Agri input digitalization solutions for SHFs (DASB)
• Course Pitch In this course the agriculture input segment of the SmallHolder Farmer Agriculture will be covered. The course is designed around understanding the importance of crop choice and agri-input choice in ensuring optimal productivity...
Data based technologies for production stage of SmallHolder Farmer (SHF) operations (DASC)
Digital Agriculture For Smallholder Farmers
Data based technologies for production stage of SmallHolder Farmer (SHF) operations (DASC)
• Course Pitch This course looks at the importance of crop monitoring throughout the production cycle in ensuring optimal productivity for the SmallHolder Farmer (SHF) operations. The course is designed to help you gain understanding &...
Innovative Harvest and Post Harvest Solutions for SmallHolder Farmer Operations (DASD)
Digital Agriculture For Smallholder Farmers
Innovative Harvest and Post Harvest Solutions for SmallHolder Farmer Operations (DASD)
• Course Pitch This course addresses the importance of harvest & post-harvest management to be able to access the right buyers and optimise profitability. The role of digital technologies in ensuring that harvest timing and management is...
Advancing digital solutions for SHFs (DASE)
Digital Agriculture For Smallholder Farmers
Advancing digital solutions for SHFs (DASE)
• Course Pitch This course looks at the factors that are responsible for the adoption of the digital solutions among the smallholders. Also, the role the public sector organisations, APEX organisations and NGOs in supporting the adoption is...
Digital Agriculture for SmallHolder Farmers - Pathway Reflection (DASF)
Digital Agriculture For Smallholder Farmers
Digital Agriculture for SmallHolder Farmers - Pathway Reflection (DASF)
• Reflection Exercise Pitch This reflection exercise is relevant for you if you are enrolled in the “Digital Agriculture for SmallHolder Farmers” Learning & Reflection pathway. The objective of this exercise is to help you reflect on your...

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