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Agribusiness value chains

The Business of Organic and Regenerative Agriculture (DN104)

• Course Pitch
Current agricultural practices are extractive in nature and have an enormous environmental impact. Agriculture is one of the largest contributors to climate change. In turn, climate change is also causing enormous damage to agricultural productivity.

In this scenario, the challenge of feeding 9 billion people by 2050 is going to be an uphill task. Shifting towards more sustainable ways of agriculture, which enhances both the productivity and natural ecosystem is the task at hand to feed the growing population. For a solution, the sector looks towards precision agriculture, natural farming, organic agriculture, regenerative agriculture, or urban agriculture.

Whatever the name, all are just steps toward achieving sustainability. We believe that professionals/entrepreneurs in the agricultural value chains have to understand the dynamics of sustainable agriculture to offer the consumers products, which are better for the people and planet's health. Although ‘People’ and ‘Planet’ are the core aspects of sustainability, they should also go hand-in-hand with the profitability aspect to make this fundamental shift possible.

This course is designed to introduce you to various ways of sustainable agricultural practices. Experts and entrepreneurs working in this field have shared the potential of sustainable agriculture and the challenges to its adoption.

• Content & Assessment Guidelines
Please review the course outline below to set your expectations related to the content & certificate assessment needs for the course. You can complete the assessment and download Agribusiness Academy completion certificate. You can expect to complete this course and certification assessment in about 3-5 hours. We wish you a lot of success with the course/pathway and very sure that it will help you gain more clarity and execution confidence towards your outcome.

• Course & the Pathway Connection
This course can be pursued independently or as part of “Food and Agriculture Business Models” learning & reflection pathway. This pathway is structured to introduce participants to a range of topics related to food and agribusiness, equipping them with the knowledge needed to understand the functioning of different stakeholders within the food and agribusiness value chains. The pathway introduces the concept of a four-component business model framework and the courses are thoughtfully designed around various themes, applying this framework. This approach helps learners grasp the fundamentals of creating successful and profitable businesses in the food and agribusiness sector. If you choose to enroll in the pathway, you'll have the option to receive an extra certificate upon completing the reflection exercise for the pathway. Enrolling to the pathway also gives you access to our facilitators via the AA Slack channel. You can review and enroll to the full pathway by following this link: https://lms.agribusiness.academy/catalog/index/cat:194

• Contact
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us a message once you've signed in (sign up for free if you don’t have an account already).

  • Welcome sample
  • Learning Outcomes sample
  • Lessons
  • Why Sustainable Agriculture
  • Looking after the Health of the Consumer is No Longer Enough...What about soil?!
  • Critical Competitive Differentiators of Organic or Regenerative Products
  • What is Organic Agriculture?
  • Natural or Organic?
  • Can Organic Scale?
  • Organic Labels
  • Environmental Benefits of Organic Agriculture
  • Best approach to Scale the Sustainability Outcomes of Organic or Regen Ag
  • Fertilisers in Organic Agriculture
  • Regenerative Agriculture Overview
  • Defining Regenerative Agriculture
  • Adoption Challenges for Regenerative Agriculture
  • The Four Levels
  • A Framework for the Future
  • Overcoming Adoption Challenges
  • Feasible approach for smallholders to transition towards Organic or Regen Ag
  • Key drivers for the consumer adoption of Organic or Regenerative Products
  • Zero-Budget Natural Farming
  • Case Study: "Mango Magic"
  • Case Study: Zero Budget Natural Farming
  • Communicating Climate-Friendly Foods to Consumers: A World Economic Forum View
  • Can sustainability be affordable? Case of Thrive Market
  • Distribution Approach for Producers of Organic or Regenerative Products
  • Regenerative Agriculture: Good for the Planet and Eco-Sensitive Food Consumers
  • Enforceable Guidelines for Businesses' Environmental Claims are Needed and Soon
  • Approach for different players in the value chain to the opportunity of Regen Ag
  • Role of technology in strengthening sustainable production and distribution
  • Review Your Learning
  • Assessment
  • Certificate Test
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever