Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course and assessment, you would be able to answer/discuss the below questions with a lot more clarity and confidence.

  1. What are future/novel foods? Why future/novel foods are important?
  2. What is the value of edible insects as future foods?
  3. What is cultured meat? What is the value of cultured meat as future food?
  4. What are meat analogues? How is the consumer adoption of meat analogues?
  5. Why is the market for meat analogues on the rise?
  6. Why are plant-based dairy & egg substitutes gaining attention?
  7. What is the potential of microalgae as a future food?
  8. What to assess the market potential for future foods?
  9. How to set pricing for future foods?
  10. What strategies are working for the commercialisation of future foods?